Full moon, soft breeze
Owls calling softly in the woods below:
It’s spring.
But no more springs for you.
Tears flow, heart breaks
For all the might have beens
That never will.
A month has passed
And time moves on
But my heart can’t.
An empty place
A soft depression
Reminders that
You are gone.
I know that life will come around
Laughter will return
And tears grow softer
But your place will forever be
Monthly Archives: September 2022
And now it’s fall
The leaves reflect my spirit
I’ve changed the flowers on your resting place
I hope you notice that I still care.
I’ve come to see the wisdom
In your leaving
Perhaps for you, the best had already been.
Perhaps the dreams you had were no longer attainable
I have to trust that God knew best
And you are blooming now
In a far more wonderful garden.
I know that I will see you soon
And whatever that time frame may seem,
It will only be a blink, a breath, a turn just down the road
And all sorrow will disappear.